Monday, April 30, 2012

WTF Sorry??

I heard a good question today.

Why do WE apologise to THEM when THEY bumped into US???

In my opinion it is because, for a variety of reasons many of which go back to our childhood, most of us are snivelling toadying suck-butts who loathe ourselves terribly, consider ourselves oxygen thieves and never feel we are entitled to that bit of space.

Which is why most of us let ourselves be walked all over by government and corporations.

Sad but true.

When we learn to say 'wtf' instead of 'sorry'...

We will be ready to take back the powah.


Sunday, April 29, 2012

For Dori...

Wonderful words, Dori Hartley.

FB IS INDEED real life. 

For all it's bad press...over a four year period it has taught me how to be a BETTER PERSON. 

And the death of a wonderful FB friend last year taught me to be very careful what I say to people.

His brother told me they read one of my comments at the FUNERAL!

We would do well to bear this in mind.

My rule is...never post anything you would not die for.

Post as if it WILL be yr last.

And exercise great caution with people's feelings- because some of these folk are at the end of their tether.

One poorly chosen word, or comment...& pfft.

They are gone.

Act as though someone is tallying this shit up.

Act as though it matters that the only keeper of the ledger is YOU. 

These are REAL HUMAN BEINGS...not manga characters.

I have learned to be more patient, more considerate, & never to go away MAD. (or at least never go away 'angry') 

If you truly care about your fellow man...

This matters.

All pretty good

& out in the world.

Thank for a great Post, Dori Hatley.

Mad Truth.

The psychiatric community is no more interested in curing mental illness than the makers of lightbulbs are in bringing out an everlasting model.

Mental Illness is a veritable Cash Cow.

If you have such an illness, do NOT rely on the medical fraternity to cure you.

The mental health infrastructure is designed to keep you sick.

If you want to be well...

You have to cure yourself.

And one of the best cures (along with medication, meditation, diet and exercise...) is the TRUTH.

Mental Illness is an inability or unwillingness to face the TRUTH.

About the world and it's ills...

And about yourself.

The world is built on lies.

We know that.

Government, law enforcement, commerce...

It is understood.

But the truth is very few of us actually like this state of affairs.

To deny this about ourselves- in order to merely FUNCTION...


If we, too, are a lie...

and we cannot bear it...OUR SOUL CANNOT BEAR IT...

Then Illness prevails.

And we go mad.

It's called 'waking up'.

Of course it looks mad to the drones!  The zombies!

It's like a birth. 

A re-birth.

And birth is always traumatic.

Waking up to the truth of who you really are...

And what you really know to be TRUE.

'Going mad' is seeing the world as it is...

knowing the way it SHOULD Be...

and the inability to RECONCILE THE TWO.


Step fully, courageously into the truth of who you REALLY ARE.

And DRAG the way things actually are into ALIGNMENT with YOUR TRUTH.

What you know to be right.

You might be jailed for it...

Killed for it...

But you wouldn't be the first to die for the TRUTH!!!

Peace Love & Last Man Standing...

I'm all for Peace and Love...

But that is not to say you should be a weakling.

A pushover. A doormat.

When someone attacks you and are entitled to defend yourself.

Tooth and Claw, if need be.

We all have that beast inside us...

The memory of a time gone our distant past.

Woven in our DNA. Running in our veins.

When the blood would rise...

And the animal would strike, with great vengeance & furious anger. 

The trick is to know where, when and upon home to inflict this savage beast.

And NOT before...

Do not be troubled...

If the one you love is not with you...

Do not be troubled. 

For TRUE LOVE lasts forever, through any trial and tribulation.

Through thick and thin...

The good and the bad.

So if the object of your affection is gone away...

They did NOT love you in the first place.

Truly, madly, deeply.

Better to be alone, than settle for any less than the very best.


YOU have been with you, through it all.

Heaven and Hell...

Sickness & in Health.

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.


Big is Beautiful.

We interrupt this broadcast with an important message...


Of course as a youth I was conditioned by popular culture (and my peers) to lean toward the supermodelish...severely limiting my sexual options in the process.

As I got older, and learned to form my own opinions- pursue my own natural urges and inclinations- I gradually began to drift toward other possibilities. 

Including the so-called 'Rubinesque'. 

Of course your choice of partner in love is NOT only based upon looks. 

Of course there are other factors that need to be considered.

Some would argue other MORE important considerations.  

But only the ill informed or bereft of mental faculty would suggest that looks- at least in the initial stages of the ritual of attraction- are not an important factor.

My apologies to those who may feel I am a card carrying member of the cult of the objectification of women, but on this occasion I cannot help it. 

I call it as I see/think/feel it.

I like what I like, & I'm proud to say it. And Full Figured women NEED to hear it. 


And don't you forget it.

In a PC world, where the free expression of feelings and opinions are dying along with the language..sometimes only PLAIN SPEAKING will do.

We now return you to normal programming... 


Monday, April 23, 2012

Love in a Shitstorm from Hell...

I am thinking of a friend of the family at the moment.

She is struggling with her husband.

After a lifetime of physical illness...his mental health has finally taken a turn for the worse. 

Apparently the guy is unbearable to live with.  Making unreasonable demands, losing his temper and even WORSE...playing the emotional blackmail card, to add to the carnival of misery.

She is a brave soul, standing by him as his mind deteriorates.

I guess this is the true definition of LOVE.

I have no idea about love; I imagine it to be hearts and flowies and walks in the park.

'The heart will live on', and all that.


In's about loving everything.

All of it.

Even the shitty mouth, shitty attitude, shitty underpants & shitty existence.

Deferring ones own life to be with an animal.  A beast.

Resisting the urge to do a runner from abject misery.

Sacrificing the hope of an easy life because of something you once saw in that person...

Something deep inside...

Long gone.

Just a memory.

I have no idea about love.

So many of us don't.   

In's about the good times and the bad.

In SICKNESS and in health. 

If you can't do this...

If you can't be with yr man when he loses his tumour ridden balls, or worse still...his mind...

If you can't stick with your woman when they remove her cancer-ridden breasts, or her uterus...

If you can't hang in there EVEN in a shitstorm from hell...

Don't even bother. 

Because it AINT LOVE AT ALL.  



Thank You...

Yesterday I was feeling really shitty.

Seasonal adjustment disorder or a hormonal coup d'etat...who knows.

But you guys made me feel so much better, & today i'm back on track.

If you ever make the mistake of forgetting how much you mean to me...don't worry; I'll remind you at regular intervals.  

Thank you, my dear friends.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Unfaithfully Yours...

Infidelity is a complicated affair.

I have an urge to deal with one aspect of it.

So... here we go.

A few guidelines first. In talking about infidelity here...let us first leave aside for the moment man's biological imperative to fornicate. This is a given; we all have urges, but in a desire to evolve to a higher degree of consciousness/ our desire to transcend and evolve...we need to set aside our basic primal biological urges. Or at least try to.

These bonds that keep us chained slavishly to our desires, whims and impulses.

This is not an evangelistic indictment of our base sexual urges. I like to fuck- as much as anyone.

But hundreds of years of spiritual inquiry and endeavour tell us that if not 'celibacy'...then a degree of 'fidelity' a necessary requirement in the search for enlightenment.

In simple terms...a fuck cooze is unlikely to see God.

Again, this is not a moral judement; a proclivity for applied sexual activity is so all emcompassing... there is simply not much room for thinking about anything else.

It is all consuming.

Sexual addiction will keep a soul too BUSY to see the divine.

So...ideally...the seeker should be in a faithful, committed relationship with a soul mate.


What is a soul mate?

I can tell you about my grandparents.

They loved one another TOTALLY.

They fled Germany during wartime...and settled in Australia with nothing.

But love.

And love was enough.

They built something together...a home...a family... & they cherished one another.

Enjoyed the fruits of their hard labour together. (had 8 kids, i think!) & lived in comparative peace, love and harmony. Hurting nothing, and nobody. Only loving.

When grandmother died...grandfather lost his will to live.

He missed her so much- he tried to keep going...but something was lost when she left.

He did not make it more than a few months before he died of a broken heart.

That is what I understand to be 'soul mate'.

& it has always been my guide in looking for one.

I never found mine. (not everyone does) in this lifetime. Too selfish...too sad, too unhappy, too confused... Whatever; but  I have looked for her a lifetime. No such luck.

So...what does all this have to do with infidelity?

Infidelity could well be simple selfishness. Perhaps we are all selfish; I'm inclined to think we are. Infidelity is a selfish act. Some are pig ignorant brutes who just like being cunts.

Some among the unfaithful...have not found their SOUL MATE.

And the frustration this arouses...also arouses other emotions. Such as infidelity.

Unable to come to terms with the fact that we have chosen badly...

Chosen beneath ourselves...spiritually speaking...

Having not found our true life partner...

Infidelity is a kind of 'continuation of the search'.

A selfish continuation, admittedly...but a continuation nonetheless.

We are, after all, flawed human beings. And we do stupid things when we panic. When we look at our relationship and realise... this is not it...

We often run. to the arms of another.

Back to the treadmill.

If you ARE with your Soul Mate... Then infidelity is unforgiveable.

A sin...if you will.

For when you find your soul are connected for eternity.

A soul mate would never be unfaithful...that is what it means.

Total and utter faithful devotion for eternity.

That is why it is such a lucky thing to find them...& so RARE.

Most people settle for someone they 'quite like', which is UNACCEPTABLE to those who seek a higher state of being. Enlightenment.

And it is why they are unfaithful.

If you find your destined stop looking. You no longer need to look elsewhere.

A soul mate would NEVER be unfaithful. It would make them sick to even think of another. The act of lovemaking is not a 'sport' where i come from; it is a SACRED thing.

Like a sacrament.

I never married. relationships I was unfaithful, and I hurt people. This was wrong.

I also hurt myself- selling myself short; settling, rather than continuing the search for my soul partner. But I can see clearly now... & I will keep looking for her.

I will know her when I see her.

In the meantime...

I am happy, healthy and completely content.

I have almost total enlightenment. love, patience, forgiveness.

I live peacefully in nature, live creatively, writing and film making...

Every so often, I travel overseas to work on a film, or a writing project.

I meditate a great deal... enjoy the arts, science, history... read a lot... I'm a great cook!!

And live... in peace. I feel like I have made it.


& they say this is a good place to meet your soul mate.

A place of peace, where you need nothing from the other to 'heal' you.

Make you 'better'...

But can give, openly, rather than take.

Two enlightened souls... together forever in total peace and love... could happen!

Never settle for anything, less than TOTAL fulfilment.

Nothing else compares...

Being unfaithful to others...settling for less that what your soul needs...

Is being unfaithful to the most important person of all...


Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Perils & Pitfalls of Being Yourself...

'Be yourself...after all, who else can you be?', they claim with a casual, almost cavalier presumption.

As if the notion of self realisation is a fait accompli.


I can be anything but myself with astonishing alacrity.

Never underestimate the pain and suffering that come from trying to be who you really are, in the face of enormous adversity; from other people, as well as from yourself.

Such underestimation has killed many along the way.

So don't sell short the perils and pitfalls of 'being you'. It's a tough road- & knowing this can be of great comfort in the long run.

And this is, after all, about the 'long run'.

The Long Run of the soul.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Open Up Your Heart.

Open Up Your Heart to People.

Yes, most of them will turn tail & flee like you opened up your fly, but do it anyway. Because this is not about them.

It's about you.

Open Up Your Heart.

No sleazy agenda; no expectations, no conditions.

Just because it is the right thing to do.

A good thing to do.

That's all.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012



There is no secret to life.

Life simply is...& you live it. Or you don't.

The REAL mystery is death.

What happenes after death?

OK. Here goes.


And in a universe we are understanding to be one of INFINITE POSSIBILITY...

Whatever reality you want again- whether it is this one you are living (BOONG!! PASS!!) or a variation on a theme- or a number of themes...

A completely new life or set of lives...

OR even SOMEONE ELSE'S life...

Whatever the hell reality you want for yourself of all the possible choices from the menu of an inexhaustible smorgasord ...

It simply HAS TO COME UP.

HAS TO!!! No matter WHAT it is!

However often you want it!!

No matter HOW MANY times you play it out!

Law of averages!

Of all the limitness, unnumerable possibilities...

Whatever you want HAS TO roll up AGAIN!

Who gives a rat's arse HOW LONG it takes if you're Ni-Ni'S??

So relax, and stop worrying about death.

Because there is NOTHING to worry about.

Hope this clears things up for you.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Three Steps To Heaven.

STEP ONE: Relinquish the ego.

STEP TWO: Live in peace.

STEP THREE: Go back and do 'Step One' properly.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I think one of the only problems I ever had on the Internet was handling my attractions to these wonderful new 'cyber people'.

I used to form what I called 'Cyber Crushes'.

(I put it down to the abused child- starved a lifetime for love. But that's another story.)

Suffice it to say- to that child- this medium was a Godsend.

But every upside has it's downside.

I have learned through painful experience that when we are attracted to people here- we are often attracted to what we THINK they are- rather than what they actually ARE.

(pretty much the same as in the real world.)

It takes a LONG time to get to know who someone really is. we ever truly know anyone? No matter how much time we spend with them??

I have met a number of my FB friends in my travels, here & overseas.

And those who disappointed me the MOST, were those who were not what I expected; who I thought they were.

Were not who I had built up in my mind.

My most satisfying connections have been with those people I had NO expectations of. The people I allowed to show me who they really were...

Rather than what I thought they were.

Contrary to popular belief, most people ARE who they appear to be- AS LONG AS you do not expect too much from them.

They will usually show you who they are. As much as you need to know.

But it takes time.

You just need to give people time.

These things take TIME...


I never realised before how many people fear death.

I knew I feared it; but I thought I was the only one.

Other people seemed so blase about it. They would say things like 'you don't want to fear death'. 'Nothing you can do about it anyway'!

But for some reason, I did.

Same as I feared flying. I think they are related.

It's not the 'thing', so much as the lack of control over the thing.

The hardest thing for a human being to learn to do is to surrender. To give in to that which is beyond our control.

To let go.

When we can learn to do that...we can say goodbye to fear.

And when we say goodbye to fear...