Friday, February 1, 2013

It 'aint me, babe.

Next adventure March 19. 

My tastes are not lavish, I stay in dumps and dives and hang out in the poorer parts of town- but these things cost virtually nothing. 

Someone asked me recently how I can afford to travel.  As he took a drag from his cigarette, we established that my last trip cost half his annual cigarette budget.  Blow it out your arse, mate.  It's about priorities. 

I love adventure; and if you do it right, and you have no other commitments, you can do it cheaper than staying at home.  Maybe I should write a book about it- people don't believe it can be done. 

Maybe I will. 

Stop and talk to a backpacker.  If you have the guts. 

Some people think it is money keeping them from living the adventure. WRONG.  It's fear..lack of imagination...& SPIRIT. 

Being ready to DIE in sleazy places to get the pump. 

People baulk at my pics of the ghetto.  & these are NOT Bosnia!  Grow up, and LIVE!!  Get a set of balls, and screw your courage to the sticking place.  (& don't bleat about families and children & job as an excuse- you made your choices.  I know what it's like to be thrashed by an old man who was resentful we held him back.  I DON'T buy it.) 

Someone to blame for staying home?  It 'aint me, babe. 

It's easy to blame others, or look for excuses, or citicize those who are living the dream.

It 'aint me.