Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Angel Heart.



I feel like Cassiel. 

Or Damiel. 

Documenting human desperation and desolation...

From a distance.

All the while...

Trying to keep my own from breaking out...

and running screaming,

naked down the


An Apple A Day...

I travel to see this.



A homeless blind guy and his dog. 

Don't ask me what the hell this has to do with anything. 

I could think forever...

and still not come up with a good enough answer. 

I just like it. 

My eye...

my camera is always drawn to this kind of thing. 
The beauty and the madness of living on the street...

Exemplified by...

Some guy stopped and gave the dog an apple.

 At first I thought it must have been a rubber ball...

But it was an apple. 

The dog didn't know what to make of it... 

But you know what?

It seemed to make them both happy. 




I don't think I have a clever ending for this. 

All I can say...

All I wanted to say is...

I came...

& I saw...what I wanted to see.

I wanted to see this. 


A homeless blind guy...his dog...

And their apple. 

An apple of this type, each day...

Will keep MY doctor away.












(pour CC...)

My Tribe.


She's not homeless. 

She had her home stolen from her-

She and her tribe. 

No wonder she's yelling and screaming in the street.  

Ranting and raving.

Lost...and alone.

If I had a nice home, a nice way of life and it was taken away from me...I'd probably wander the streets lost as well. 


The Truth About Bullshit & Bullshittery...

Just a short note to let you know...

when you bullshit me? 

You are talking to a bullshit master. 

I'm not proud of it- But it's the world I was raised into. 

Now I have chosen to walk the straight and narrow- the Razor's Edge of truth and redemption-

I can hear your bullshit loud and clear. 

Sometimes I am even aware of it before you are. 

Maybe you haven't woken up to your crap yet, like I have. 

Not my business.  That's YOUR journey. 

BUT...before you go thinking you have some kind of power over me- I'll get you to think again. 

Don't you see...YOU and YOUR bullshit are my Karmic comeback? 

Whether you were born and fell into a big cow pie of bullshit,

or whether you took some kind of classes,

or got a degree in it...

whether it was forced down your throat or you took to it like a duck to crack...doesn't matter. 

You bullshit others...

you bullshit yourself...

you wake up? 

You will have to pay. 

That's the deal.  And I know it. 

I had my nose rubbed in it, and yes, it's a lonely, dirty road.

The thing and your bullshit are MY payback. 

& I accept that- which is why I am not bitching and complaining about you. 

I'm just letting you know I know the way it is. 

So if you think you are punishing me somehow...

you are not. 

I had this coming. 

& if you wake up to your bullshit? 

Then it will be your turn. 

I hope you have the grace to see the karmic backlash as I do.

Because the truth will ALWAYS set you free...
