Friday, May 24, 2013

His Holiness the Dalai Lama...

REALLY fucks my shit up.

Waking Up Is...



Living Air...


I love listening to the community radio. 

This morning, there was this retarded guy doing a show.  He was taking forever to get his words out, and he had trouble pronouning words like 'beautiful', and 'and', and 'whatnot'.

Indeed, most of his words were a challenge.

I was enthralled. I was really rooting for him to get the words out- get his meaning across.

I love it. 

This stuff shits all over that obnoxious commercial crap. 

"Two-Up Tuesday! 

Double your hits, double your listening pleasure, or WE owe YOU...


Corporate Radio for Zombies. 

Radio that slaps you about the head and shoulders as you drive, and forces you into oncoming cars to kill the agony. 

Fuck that.

Give me a retarded DJ over a brain dead one any day. 

Support your community radio.

It's the shit.