Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Setting Son...

I just thought I would share this beautiful sunset with you, after all that summer rain. 



Isn't it amazing, how subtly the colours change in a matter of only a few minutes???

I bid you good night, sweet dreams, & my most heartfelt thanks for you taking an interest in my writing, and thank you for the amazing discussion afterward. 

I truly think my craft is getting better day by day, & that is a direct result of your input. 
How on earth does a writer improve unless people read it? 

& even BETTER if it generates some fun and fellowship! 

Today has been bitter sweet...but at least I can retire with such beautiful colours in my life. 

Sweet dreams, my dear friends. 

You make my life worth living.




I Love Your Meat.

People are so impatient WITH vegetarians! 

They snicker under their breath. 

'You don't eat meat????

Whaddaya mean you DON'T EAT MEAT????'

I mean I don't consume dead animal flesh.

'WHY???'  They say, as if it is the most unnatural thing in the world.  

I might as well have announced I had given up rooting.   

'Why??' you ask?

Well, it might be the health benefits.  

I'm not going into all this- you can find out for yourself the health benefits of not clogging up your colon with rotting animal flesh.

Hell...I smoke and drink occasionally; so obviously I am not THAT fervent in my enthusiasm for the temple that is mine body. 

So it must be something else.

I love animals.  

People say to me...

"I love them too! 

Fried, roasted, broiled..."

etc etc. 

very funny meat face. 

You'd be a marvellous warm up act at your local meat market.

Have you seen what happens to animals in an abbatoir?

Have you see 'Earthlings'??

If you loved wouldn't eat them.

You wouldn't endorse these concentration camps for beasties with your consumption of packaged meat products. 

I mean...

How could you eat this??

Or this??

Or even this??

I mean THIS one even does aerobics! 

Look at those stylish goddamned leggings! 

I love my friends. 

I wouldn't eat them.  

Not unless I ABSOLUTELY HAD TO.     

I look into a pigs eyes at Fair...

& I would no more eat him than chow down on my own foot for supper. 

It's just mad; & I can't imagine why I did it for so long. 






I don't know why I have done a LOT of things for so long. 

Following Christianity- even when I knew it was a load of toxic bullshit- because I didn't want to roast in the fires of hell.  

that's called delusion.  

In fact- don't try to make sense with meat eaters; they are like Christians. 

Just as something in Christianity does things to people's brains to drive them mad and torture and torment  and murder people...

So too is there contained in meat some kind of bacteria that does something to meat eaters brains so they cannot make the comparatively simple connection between loving animals...

& eating them. 

They just can't quite make that connection.


I remember I couldn't. 

It WAS an addiction to animal fat.

And it IS addictive. 

Now...I see the light.

& I don't miss animal flesh one little bit.

Now I feel closer to my fellow creatures.

Life is FULL of amazing Grace transformative moments.

'I once was I'm found.

Blind, but now...I see."

I can see is hypocrisy to eat animals if you love them. 

It's not about freedom of choice, or taste or's simple.

If you loved wouldn't eat them. 

ANY of them.

Would you eat your dog? 

Your cat?


It boils down to this; people who say they love animals then eat them are full of shit.  

They might not be full of shit about many other things...

But they are full of shit about that. 

But I wouldn't go around saying that!!

I'd have no friends left! 

I am old enough and wise enough to know there is NOTHING more obnoxious than a reformed... anything. 

Whether it is meat, drink, smokes or hard drugs we have given up...

we are all the same in our evangelistic fervour to distance ourselves from whatever had enslaved us. 

Like a retired porn star come to Christ. 

& it looks bogus.


I try to understand the meat eaters. 

I hope you will come to understand me...

So why don't THEY cut me a break for my choices??

Why do they feel it is so crucial that they sit and snicker and poke each other and laughing that I am a man who will not eat meat?

As if it makes me less masculine?

Or GAY or something?

Eating meat does NOT make you more manly.

Unless more manly means dying young.

In fact...come to think of it...

Eat more meat, you guys. 

Engorge yourself on the rotting carcasses of the blessed beasts. 

All the more pussy for me...

You're so vain...

That awkward point in a relationship where you post some general comment or blog- & you get a message from a friend saying, 'that was about me, right?' 

One never knows whether to be annoyed at their vanity...or somehow humbled that you reached them.  If I didn't have such a low self opinion...I would pick the latter.  

So I pick the former...

I usually give them a fresh one for ASSUMING it is about them...& I'm not keen on assumptions.

As I have said many times- I am on the 'abrasive side.

It's part of my charm.

If I pretended it did not exist...& did not give it expression...then I would be the worst kind of lie.

Lying to myself. 

Too many people want to censor me, without me censoring myself.

However...this isn't about me. 

It's about the people this isn't about. 

There is NO way of saying 'it's not about you'...without saying 'it's not about you'. 

And no matter how you say will come off as offensive.

Because...good or bad...

Most people on some level WANT it to be about them.

(p.s. this DEFINITELY isn't about you.).