Thursday, January 24, 2013

Evolution My Arse...

OK...I watched 'Expendables 2' the other night.  I love those action ensemble pieces, like the 'Dirty Dozen'- & this is certainly of that oeuvre- on crack.

I'm not doing a movie review; that 'aint my thang.  And I am still deciding whether I watched the film in order to keep my finger on the pulse of the level of violence in Hollywood movies from a political POV (I would hate to be one of these fuckless wonders who criticises films & this genre without actually WATCHING them), or whether I simply wanted to satiate my blood-lust for primal pleasures by living vicariously through big buffed, beefy (& mostly old) action heroes.
Who cares.  I was amused by all the bullets, blood, battle ballet and nudging and winking between these semi-retired action impresario's.  I was especially amused to note the body count, and the special effects were without equal as hundreds of evil doers were routinely converted to mince meat.

But I was also amused to note that despite the body count- they could not allow Arnie to say 'Yippee-kay-yay- "MOTHERFUCKER"...I guess because it might be offensive.

I can tell you this; politically speaking? Nothing has changed much since Brando's 'obscenity' speech in 'Pocca'.  
Bottom line?  Wholesale slaughter is fine...rude words are not. 
Twas ever thus...shall ever be.  

Evolution my ass...