Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Valentines Day.

Bah humbug.

Greeting card companies, flowers, chocolate, scented cantles, bath bombs, fluffy cushions and blow up red hearty heart balloons...

Poo to that.

HOWEVER...If you claim to hold LOVE in high regard (as i do), it's hard not to get caught up in the hype. 

I normally resist hype.  (Damn, I won't watch a friggin' Batman flick until all the hubbub has died down!)

Generally speaking...hype is a lot of sound and fury, usually signifying NOTHING. 

BUT...(& pardon my big BUT...) no matter where Valentine's Day comes from...regardless of whether it is the celebration of a martyred saint or a greeting card company's bottom line...

It's a little churlish and disingenuous to resist. 

And why should we?  What are we trying to prove?  How HARD we are? 

How tough, street, and cool, too cool for school AND  love?? 

Why fight it? 

Some kind of conditioning?   

Fighting something like Valentines Day suggests an interest in HATE, more than it does LOVE.

So why do I even FIGHT?? 

Can we really fight and love at the same time?


So I surrender. 

That's much as I try to resist these manufactured days...& as much as I support loving EVERY day (not just on one special day)...

I hereby lay down my arms. Or rather, I throw my arms around Valentine's Day. 

A special day set aside for LOVE has gotta' be better than a tour of duty in a war zone.  Right??


Happy Love Day, Everyone. 

And why not.