Thursday, October 24, 2013

Australia's Burning

What the blazes.

I managed to get hold of a few snaps of the bushfires over the Blue Mountains. 
I'm not going to throw adjectives around- I think these pics speak for themselves.
What I will say, however, is that my heart goes out to those who have lost their homes or loved ones in the blaze.

We also lost a pilot in a crash that occurred whilst he was feverishly trying to control some of this destructive rubbish.

Brave man. 


Spare a thought for those suffering down under...

& to those brave souls battling the Hell fire...

may you stay safe and strong until this is all over.  


The TRUE enemy...

I'm not a Vegetarian-

apparently I am Pescetarian 'cos I eats me some fish. 

But that's a little close to Episcopalian for my liking. 

Plus...I won't be able to eat fish for much longer due to the radiation, so I will have to change again. 

Curse these goddamned labels!  I just want to be 'John' again!! 

Down with the Label-arians!'

Grumpy Relatives.

If you have negative voices in your head...

chances are, you will never get rid of them. 

I'm sorry about that. 

Sorry to have to tell you that. 

Sometimes we have them for reasons that make them virtually inextinguishable. 

& pathological or not...

whether they are schizophrenia or simply our rogue thoughts run rampant...

I think we're probably stuck with them.

HOWEVER...the good news is, you don't have to listen. 

See...where we fuck ourselves up is we think that this is 'simply the way we are, and we are stuck with it', dark noise and all. 

But the negative energy is a bit like having a grumpy crippled relative in the house.

They won't leave, they won't die...

they just constantly grumble. 

I have noticed that, if I don't want to let that voice darken my mind and send me off into a shitty day, all I have to do is say,

'no thanks'. 

Don't need this noise. 

Then I walk out of that dark room this grumpy bum lives in, walk into a beautiful brightly lit room of the house with sun streaming in through the bay windows, nice music playing, incense burning,

and I remind myself...'today is going to be a lovely day full of wonderful things'. 

Remember the saying- 'thoughts are things'? 

You can have any thing your heart desires. 

& that includes happiness.

Thanks again for taking an interest.  Your thoughts are things too...and they are good things.
