Friday, April 20, 2012

Unfaithfully Yours...

Infidelity is a complicated affair.

I have an urge to deal with one aspect of it.

So... here we go.

A few guidelines first. In talking about infidelity here...let us first leave aside for the moment man's biological imperative to fornicate. This is a given; we all have urges, but in a desire to evolve to a higher degree of consciousness/ our desire to transcend and evolve...we need to set aside our basic primal biological urges. Or at least try to.

These bonds that keep us chained slavishly to our desires, whims and impulses.

This is not an evangelistic indictment of our base sexual urges. I like to fuck- as much as anyone.

But hundreds of years of spiritual inquiry and endeavour tell us that if not 'celibacy'...then a degree of 'fidelity' a necessary requirement in the search for enlightenment.

In simple terms...a fuck cooze is unlikely to see God.

Again, this is not a moral judement; a proclivity for applied sexual activity is so all emcompassing... there is simply not much room for thinking about anything else.

It is all consuming.

Sexual addiction will keep a soul too BUSY to see the divine.

So...ideally...the seeker should be in a faithful, committed relationship with a soul mate.


What is a soul mate?

I can tell you about my grandparents.

They loved one another TOTALLY.

They fled Germany during wartime...and settled in Australia with nothing.

But love.

And love was enough.

They built something together...a home...a family... & they cherished one another.

Enjoyed the fruits of their hard labour together. (had 8 kids, i think!) & lived in comparative peace, love and harmony. Hurting nothing, and nobody. Only loving.

When grandmother died...grandfather lost his will to live.

He missed her so much- he tried to keep going...but something was lost when she left.

He did not make it more than a few months before he died of a broken heart.

That is what I understand to be 'soul mate'.

& it has always been my guide in looking for one.

I never found mine. (not everyone does) in this lifetime. Too selfish...too sad, too unhappy, too confused... Whatever; but  I have looked for her a lifetime. No such luck.

So...what does all this have to do with infidelity?

Infidelity could well be simple selfishness. Perhaps we are all selfish; I'm inclined to think we are. Infidelity is a selfish act. Some are pig ignorant brutes who just like being cunts.

Some among the unfaithful...have not found their SOUL MATE.

And the frustration this arouses...also arouses other emotions. Such as infidelity.

Unable to come to terms with the fact that we have chosen badly...

Chosen beneath ourselves...spiritually speaking...

Having not found our true life partner...

Infidelity is a kind of 'continuation of the search'.

A selfish continuation, admittedly...but a continuation nonetheless.

We are, after all, flawed human beings. And we do stupid things when we panic. When we look at our relationship and realise... this is not it...

We often run. to the arms of another.

Back to the treadmill.

If you ARE with your Soul Mate... Then infidelity is unforgiveable.

A sin...if you will.

For when you find your soul are connected for eternity.

A soul mate would never be unfaithful...that is what it means.

Total and utter faithful devotion for eternity.

That is why it is such a lucky thing to find them...& so RARE.

Most people settle for someone they 'quite like', which is UNACCEPTABLE to those who seek a higher state of being. Enlightenment.

And it is why they are unfaithful.

If you find your destined stop looking. You no longer need to look elsewhere.

A soul mate would NEVER be unfaithful. It would make them sick to even think of another. The act of lovemaking is not a 'sport' where i come from; it is a SACRED thing.

Like a sacrament.

I never married. relationships I was unfaithful, and I hurt people. This was wrong.

I also hurt myself- selling myself short; settling, rather than continuing the search for my soul partner. But I can see clearly now... & I will keep looking for her.

I will know her when I see her.

In the meantime...

I am happy, healthy and completely content.

I have almost total enlightenment. love, patience, forgiveness.

I live peacefully in nature, live creatively, writing and film making...

Every so often, I travel overseas to work on a film, or a writing project.

I meditate a great deal... enjoy the arts, science, history... read a lot... I'm a great cook!!

And live... in peace. I feel like I have made it.


& they say this is a good place to meet your soul mate.

A place of peace, where you need nothing from the other to 'heal' you.

Make you 'better'...

But can give, openly, rather than take.

Two enlightened souls... together forever in total peace and love... could happen!

Never settle for anything, less than TOTAL fulfilment.

Nothing else compares...

Being unfaithful to others...settling for less that what your soul needs...

Is being unfaithful to the most important person of all...