Sunday, November 10, 2013

Happy War-lovers Day.


Let the blood of the young, dumb and full of come run free...

Not a Hospital.

I think most of us have some affliction or other.  No single person has an exclusive patent on illness- mental or physical.

I struggle with a sense of hopelessness.

I feel like a failure most of the time.  No need to panic- many people do, and I don't think I'm alone. 

Far from it.

But it is never enough for me to need medical attention.

For myself?  I prescribe writing.  If you have read my blogs, you have my number. 

This is my soul work, and my healing.  In the absence of friends and family, it's a functional substitute. 

I know why I feel these things, and I have faith that working my way out of it is the way to go.  One day, who knows, I might be able to sustain friendships and a family of my own. 

Some disorders, however, are much more serious.

I sent this comment to a person who is suffering, and I repost it for anyone who may also be suffering.

"This is a serious affliction. Someone with this kind of illness should be receiving specialised care. not fb likes. this is not a post about a sick puppy. I support your attempts to reach out...but i am not a Doctor. & I have tried to reach out to you many times, to no avail. I hope you find the help you need. I have similar issues which I blog about regularly...& I know how isolating it can be.  so I feel for you. please get the help you need...proper help. FB is NOT a hospital."