Tuesday, February 12, 2013



Be true to yourself. 

Please.  I BEG you. 

I know it is hard, given the pit so many of us have dug ourselves into (or fallen into unwillingly/unwittingly), & I KNOW there is some comfort to be had in the comparative safety and security of the familiarity of our enslavement.

But it is nothing more than carrion comfort.

Please, I urge each and every you to take the steps you need to take to extricate yourselves from the life that may have been imposed upon you by the expectations of others.

Or the false/unrealistic expectations of your own inauthentic being.

We need to release ourselves from the shackles of the grand lie.

That money, power, fame are all.

They are NOT.

We need to set ourselves free from the oppression of lies, in order to find the truth again. 

The truth of love, peace, faith, and hope.     

We need to do this, to be truly free. 

However, you will need to prepare yourself for hardship, resistance, perhaps even grave discomfort, and in certain cases, even imprisonment by the state...

or death. 

Whatever the risk...we MUST set ourselves free, to be who we need to be.

Nothing else matters.

For we NEED a species of AUTHENTIC BEINGS, if we are to have any hope of survival...

Do you want to survive?

Do you want your CHILDREN to survive?

Then tell the truth. YOUR truth.

And it is THAT which will set you free...