Monday, August 12, 2013

Call Me Daffy...

You may call me a daffy motherfucker...

But I try to maintain a childlike sense of wonder.   


For Everything.

ALL of it.

Including the fucked up shit. 
That includes my own strange craziness...

& that of my beloved fellow man.

What the hell else am I going to do?
WHO- may I ask- wants to be around a miserable prick bitching about the state of the world when there is NOTHING he can do about it?

Probably nothing ANY of us can do about it??

When all that is left in my power is to marvel at the whole damn carnival with a childlike sense of wonder...

then goddamn it?

I'm gonna' do just that.
You can join me if you like...

Breakfast of Champions...

For my dear friend Kurt Vonnegut...RIP.

Every morning, almost as soon as I wake up...

My friends and family, the people I know and love, and especially the people I spend time with on FB, gather around me and pat me on the back, welcoming me to another day. 

Not literally...but in my mind. 

Maybe there is no difference.

You probably think I'm kidding. 

Even people who know me well, might be justified in thinking I say this for some kind of poetic effect.

There is, after all, no way of proving it is true. 

But it's true. 

As my brain slowly comes to life...

I think about the people in my life, one by one.

It's like they dawn on me, gradually...

Each and every one. 

Those I have met in person, and those I have not. 

I'm not sure there is a difference there, either. 

('s a weird bit for the stayers, to try to illustrate this point.)

FB friends- ones I have NEVER met- even drift into my subconscious, and help me process my insecurities & latent fears & neurosis.

As some of you might know...

When I was a child, I was a bit of a pant wetter.  

I think growing up with an abusive father terrified me so much, I would lose control of my bladder function.

Anyway, on one particular occasion, after wetting myself with fear, my father locked me in my room, and threatened to take me into town to buy me a dress to wear because I 'pissed my pants like a girl'.

Ever since then...

I have had a thing about the whole deal. 

I have written about it in the can catch up with it if you like.  I even devoted a chapter of my book to it. 

But the point is...

Last night, in my dreams, one of my FB friends (a female) took me out for a beautiful new tattoo...

& then bought me a nice dress.     

I wore that dress, and felt completely comfortable in it. 

& she stayed with me for a while, until I was ok again inside.  

& I woke up feeling ok with the world. 

That happens to me all the time. 

Who says FB friends aren't real???

What If One Comes Calling...

Every once in a while...

a miracle happens.  

(not often, because if they happened often- they wouldn't be called 'miracles'.  

they'd be called 'reg'lar shit'.)

But every so often...they happen.

& when they do...your life will NEVER be the same again.  

(in a good way!)

& neither will you.   

All I can suggest, is that you be fit and well, ready and willing to receive anything and everything these wondrous miracles have to offer you when they arrive. 

Because if one comes calling...

& you are drunk, trashed, angry, or bitter...

Too proud, too hard, too arrogant or too careless...

It will just pass you by. 

If you were a miracle...would you hang around and wait for a person like that???

And you ARE a miracle.

So...would you?