Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wisdom Norman

If you dish out wisdom, but don't follow it're a little bit disingenuous.

There aren't many things worse than people who do that.

It's like saying, "here, eat this.

I'm not gonna' eat that crap...

but you eat it.  It's all yours"

WTF is that?

It's easy to tell others how to live, what to do...

But if yr not living and doing it yrself?

Then better to keep yr trap shut.

I call it being a 'Wisdom Norman'.

I do it myself; say all sorts of stuff about how one should live, what to do, blah blah some self ordained guru.

But then I forget to do the things myself.

I have to go back and read my stuff again.

(& that's not conceited or arrogant either, because it's not like it's mine. nothing new or profound in it.  it's usually just my way of saying what we would call collective wisdom. re-heating the wisdom of the ages. same stuff, different voice. there is nothing i discover in my navel gazing that some other navel gazer has not already found out before me.) 

So I go back and remind myself to try my own stuff, before I offer it to others.

Then it might be a bit more palatable.

I think if we all did that...

Things would be fine.

Senses of Perception...& Vice Versa.

Case in point regarding the melding of the senses; I just told someone I was 'listening' to their post, when quite obviously I was reading/looking at it.

And yet it felt appropriate & justified to me. 

Science might not agree with everything I perceive, and the way I perceive it...but my soul does.

This might make me nuts...but luckily that is about perception as well.

The Eye of the Beholder.

You see the world the way you want to, & I will do the same.

We might not reach a common truth...but there is a good chance we will find out own.

And in the end...what ealse really matters??

On the Way Out...

There are plenty of bells and whistles when you 'have a new friend' on FB; why are there no drums, bugles & fireworks when you lose one? 

It can be just as much a cause celebre! 

(a lost friend always seems to be a back-door affair.)

Now an actual divorce is another matter entitrely.

I worked the family court at one time, and that felt like an air strike.

And in matters of custody, oftentimes NO ONE could hide from the fallout.

The meeting, and the leaving are so interesting to me.  

Some people, however, just seem to fade away.

What happens to them?

That is possibly the most fascinating of all...

Like a ghost story.