Sunday, August 5, 2012


As some of you may know, I live in an industrial town- admittedly an attractive seaside one- but industrial nonetheless.

For the most part- we are told we live in a healthy environment.
I have never had any problems…until now.

I have been sick as hell lately, worst I have ever been, with some strange unspecified viral infection which seems to be common- indeed, almost epidemic- in this town.
One by one, my family and neighbours have been coming down with it.

It’s not an age thing; my little nephew is sick as I am.   
We are talking sick for weeks. Two, three courses of antibiotics.

This is not normal.

You may remember I mentioned not long ago, there was a hazardous chemical spill in town, wherein residents had to seal up all their doors, windows and vents in their house, & stay indoors.
There were the usual denials and white wash…but it all blew over.

Now- the town is experiencing unprecedented viral & respiratory illness of the type I have mentioned. Co-incidence?
Well, apparently not.

You know me…I have my special challenges, & weird ways of working through them.
Nutty as a fruit cake, you might say.  And not always in a cute cuddly Frank Spencer way.

I accepted that…hell, I think from childhood.
It’s no big deal; I work with it.  Like you work through your shit.

And people keep the sharps away from me.
The sharpest thing I have is my pen.

All I can do is record what I see as accurately as possible, document the chaos, & hope to make some connections with my fellow man, get some corroboration, find some patterns, some links.
Affirmation. Verification.

I record what I see- not only in the world, but in my mind’s eye.
I have been a bit odd lately- to day the least. If you read it- it’s like an organism under attack.

Which…in effect…is what is happening.
Internally…externally…& not only me.

It would seem I am not alone; such strange illness is rife, & on the increase. 
It’s like the movie ‘The Crazies’ here.

Small town, in the grip of some weird virus, goes mad.
For those living in Australia, it will be in the papers.

The usual denials, the usual cover ups, etc.
You know the drill.  

We have been through this before.
But at least it’s comforting to know it is not just me.

A doco opportunity fallen into my lap?
Well…not really.  Because it is simply a reminder of things to come.

Another doco on the effects of toxic industry on a town? Who would care?
We know. We already know.

And I’ll bet there are worse towns than this one- much more poisonous.
All over the world.

As pretty as a town is- if you live near heavy industry…you take certain risks.

Frankly- the local Aluminium smelter is like a giant spaceship at night.
Some days, you can almost taste the fertiliser as the fumes from Hi-fert and Pivot factories make their way out to sea.         

I don’t need to tell you about chemtrails, and the like.
I guess we are choking on our own crap.

On some level, we all know this.
But when you start to feel the effects in your own home…

You start to take note.
It’s a wake up. & it is important I do my usual thing.

Write my way through it- stick to the word, hold on tight, and see if it will get me through the maelstrom with something useful to report at the end of it.
I had a feeling I was in the middle of something the last few weeks…& the best plan is to hold on tight, ride it out, and see where she goes.

Tomorrow will see me in the Doctor’s Office again- if I can get in.
And over the coming week- we will find out more in the news.

And I will try again to find a way out.
But…that’s not the cut and thrust of my story.

This is going somewhere.
I hope you will come with me for a little while...