Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mad Truth.

The psychiatric community is no more interested in curing mental illness than the makers of lightbulbs are in bringing out an everlasting model.

Mental Illness is a veritable Cash Cow.

If you have such an illness, do NOT rely on the medical fraternity to cure you.

The mental health infrastructure is designed to keep you sick.

If you want to be well...

You have to cure yourself.

And one of the best cures (along with medication, meditation, diet and exercise...) is the TRUTH.

Mental Illness is an inability or unwillingness to face the TRUTH.

About the world and it's ills...

And about yourself.

The world is built on lies.

We know that.

Government, law enforcement, commerce...

It is understood.

But the truth is very few of us actually like this state of affairs.

To deny this about ourselves- in order to merely FUNCTION...


If we, too, are a lie...

and we cannot bear it...OUR SOUL CANNOT BEAR IT...

Then Illness prevails.

And we go mad.

It's called 'waking up'.

Of course it looks mad to the drones!  The zombies!

It's like a birth. 

A re-birth.

And birth is always traumatic.

Waking up to the truth of who you really are...

And what you really know to be TRUE.

'Going mad' is seeing the world as it is...

knowing the way it SHOULD Be...

and the inability to RECONCILE THE TWO.


Step fully, courageously into the truth of who you REALLY ARE.

And DRAG the way things actually are into ALIGNMENT with YOUR TRUTH.

What you know to be right.

You might be jailed for it...

Killed for it...

But you wouldn't be the first to die for the TRUTH!!!

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