Thursday, September 26, 2013

Kill Zone.

Laughter KILLS hate. 

Love KILLS pain. 

Life KILLS Death... 

'Being Here...'

I'm definitely a dreamer. 

I know that's a pathetic thing to be...this was plastered all over my school reports as a kid.




My school reports home...

The scarlet letters of my sins and iniquities...

& the attendant punishment...for my profound laziness, my dreamy wonder at the world outside...

My dissidence.

My flaws and failings...

Recorded for posterity, in all likelihood sitting in a scrap book somewhere at home...

kept by my mother, who still wonders...

What is he doing??

What the hell is he doing???

Who the hell can say.

So I know, you don't have to tell me.

I'm a dreamer for life.


God slaughters dreamers like unwanted dogs. 

And yet...

Here I am in Halifax. 

(I never felt quite right in Truro; it was like Interzone.

I couldn't quite make it work for me.)

I can make Halifax work for me.

I know it. 

I can feel it!!!

I can function here.

This place had literary overtones;

which is perfect for me. 

Soon as I checked into my room,

I still full of energy...

So I went for a walk along Old Garden Street. 

First thing I noticed was the watchful eyes of Hakim Optical...

Just like those glasses...watching over the narrator in 'Great Gatsby'.  (a novel I don't much care for, from a writer I care for even less, incidentally.)

But I felt those eyes.

Watching me.

I felt a little paranoid...

just like I felt about the watchful glasses in 'Gatsby'.

But they could just as easily be the watchful eyes of the kindly Gods. 

It's all just a matter of how you look at it. 

Feeling all literary...

I found myself a bookshop café.

I browsed awhile, and made a choice.

I bought a cup of coffee, and leafed through my nice clean hardcover copy of 'Being There'.

NOT a first edition...

But in the first few runs.

Probably fourth or fifth.

Kosinski was a mad man; he murdered himself in cold blood.

Like so many other of my favourite writers.

I don't dwell on these poor, wretched, beautiful bastards.

Brautigan springs to mind as one such troubled soul.


It doesn't do to celebrate their deaths.

But it's OK to sing their lives.

& it's OK to sing mine.

So here I sit...

Full of energy,

Full of the life force...

Replenished in mind, body and spirit.

'What is he doing???'

If you have to ask...

You will never understand.  

There is a guy sitting opposite me now, in the literary café...

& he is a dead ringer for Mishima.

I think he understands.

If I asked him?

You know...

I think he would know what I'm doing.

It's enough...

for today.