Monday, May 6, 2013

Pole Position...

OK...I think it is now time to make Pole Dancing an Olympic Sport. 

Let's get it out of the sleazy bars & the minds of short sighted rednecks, and on the world athletic stage where it belongs. 

Dammit- if this art/sport 'aint simple garden variety GYMNASTICS...

then I swear, I dunno' what else is.  

Who's in charge??

Sweating the BIG stuff...


The guy who said 'don't sweat the small stuff- it's all small stuff' was full of shit. 

I'll bet he never lost a child.

I don't have any children, so I haven't lost any. 

But I'll bet the grief of a child dying echoes for all eternity. 

Today, I'm thinking of all the little ones taken far too early...

& those they left behind- cursed with a long life. 

Peace, love...

& never forgetting the 'big' stuff.