Monday, October 21, 2013

Soul Wisper

That moment when you are making love to a woman, and she looks directly into your eyes with complete love and trust...

that gently piercing look...the one that seems to enter the windows of your mind like a will o' the wisp,

eases right down into your heart...

and starts caressing your soul...

that's the real deal. 

& It doesn't happen every day. 

You have have it all, my friend.

Audacity Dweller

There is nothing like a wildly audacious move to shake things up when you feel you are stagnating. 

Truly, there is simply something inexplicable inherent in the energy that goes into such a move-

a melange of faith, fear, courage, excitement...

a declaration of being receptive to unlimited possibility-

that just has some kind of mysterious knock-on effect on the rest of the planet & it's people. 

You want opportunity to knock?

Take a wild, foolish daredevil STAB at something.

I know it's scary...

but it works.

The universe doesn't really know what else to do with such a person except to throw things at them.

Give it a go.

(nb: to the do NOT need money to be audacious.  All you need is AUDACITY.)

Abandon All Abandon.

Our spiritual evolution is unfolding on schedule. 

Don't be alarmed if you think you are going mad; outrage and hysteria are a part of the process. 

There was NEVER a way to Heaven...

without first going through Hell...


Going All the Way...

I don't want you to think too badly of me- but my experience with hallucinogenics is very limited. 

Never really my thing. 

I always stuck to those fine, safe, legal, government approved drugs. 

But Huxley and McKenna have really got my transcendental tastebuds tingling. 

I'd like to explore this world a little more. 

There are some jagged edges in my personality which- if my research is correct- might well be smoothed over with some plant medicine. 

Drug hysteria is BAD politics. 

Give me a naturally occurring plant over a factory built synthetic tablet any day.

As McKenna said,

'a hit of acid has been known to turn pricks into halfway decent people'.



Why not go all the way??