Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Are You Living??

I accept that Fukushima is much worse than we were told; only the feeble minded or the ambivalent don't get it. 

I also accept there isn't a damned thing we can do about it. 

ANY of us. 

My heart goes out to my friends in California, who are already seeing infant mortality on the rise. 

In the next 3-5 years, strange tumours will start appearing. 

And we will begin to get very sick; and die slow, painful deaths. 

Given that this is a death sentence for the entire species that cannot be avoided...ask yourself,

'am I living authentically'? 

'Am I doing exactly what I should be doing?' 

'Am I living as my heart desires??

Imagine a Doctor has told you have cancer and will die of it. 

Are you busily playing the stock market and working on your investment portfolio? 

If so...


Or are you cashing in your bonds and retirement funds and LIVING these last few precious years joyfully? 

People ask me, 'what if things are not as bad as they seem, and you are left high and dry with nothing left'?

They ARE as bad as they seem.

It would take a miracle to save the species now; & if we start getting THOSE sorts of miracles- miraculous, divine, physics defying, life changing, 'when you wish upon a star' miracles...

We won't need money. 

I understand those who have been told they are dying...

start living. 

We have been told we are dying- all of us. 

Are you LIVING???

True Subversive.

Upset the designs of your mind; do something nice for yourself today. 

(if it makes it any easier, remember that the government HATES it when you place a high value on yourself.) 

Gift Voucher.


I think I know why forgiveness is the greatest gift of all. 

Because an act of forgiveness can really get into your system like an anti-biotic, and go to work. 

It can heal, but even better than that- it can inspire personal transformation. 

And forgiveness is SO unexpected. 

Vengeance, hatred, animosity and loathing are common as muck, but forgiveness?

Can really catch you with your dacks down.   

& everyone loves surprises...


Man doesn't 'behave like a beast to take away the pain of being a man'.  Talk about dignifying of one's own psychological and sexual hang-ups by filtering them through these grandiose literary aphorisms. 

Man simply likes being a beast.

Jonathan Livingston Bat.

The universe has already been proven to be so vast- the enormity is thus far incalculable. 

Why we refuse to see more than just a tiny fraction of it is completely beyond me. 

If I don't at least try to see the bigger picture- if I don't make an effort to get my head around my own teeny view of things-

then I'm nothing more than an oxygen thief.

an intra-galactic criminal.

Under Par.

You can be the nicest person on the planet, and there will be someone who thinks you're a piece of shit. 

You can be the worst prick who ever set foot on solid ground, and there will always be someone who thinks you're ok.

The vast majority of humans are somewhere in the middle. 

In the end what matters most, I think, is how you see yourself.  

Sadly...that will always be a gross underestimation.