Sunday, April 29, 2012

Big is Beautiful.

We interrupt this broadcast with an important message...


Of course as a youth I was conditioned by popular culture (and my peers) to lean toward the supermodelish...severely limiting my sexual options in the process.

As I got older, and learned to form my own opinions- pursue my own natural urges and inclinations- I gradually began to drift toward other possibilities. 

Including the so-called 'Rubinesque'. 

Of course your choice of partner in love is NOT only based upon looks. 

Of course there are other factors that need to be considered.

Some would argue other MORE important considerations.  

But only the ill informed or bereft of mental faculty would suggest that looks- at least in the initial stages of the ritual of attraction- are not an important factor.

My apologies to those who may feel I am a card carrying member of the cult of the objectification of women, but on this occasion I cannot help it. 

I call it as I see/think/feel it.

I like what I like, & I'm proud to say it. And Full Figured women NEED to hear it. 


And don't you forget it.

In a PC world, where the free expression of feelings and opinions are dying along with the language..sometimes only PLAIN SPEAKING will do.

We now return you to normal programming... 


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