Thursday, April 12, 2012


I think one of the only problems I ever had on the Internet was handling my attractions to these wonderful new 'cyber people'.

I used to form what I called 'Cyber Crushes'.

(I put it down to the abused child- starved a lifetime for love. But that's another story.)

Suffice it to say- to that child- this medium was a Godsend.

But every upside has it's downside.

I have learned through painful experience that when we are attracted to people here- we are often attracted to what we THINK they are- rather than what they actually ARE.

(pretty much the same as in the real world.)

It takes a LONG time to get to know who someone really is. we ever truly know anyone? No matter how much time we spend with them??

I have met a number of my FB friends in my travels, here & overseas.

And those who disappointed me the MOST, were those who were not what I expected; who I thought they were.

Were not who I had built up in my mind.

My most satisfying connections have been with those people I had NO expectations of. The people I allowed to show me who they really were...

Rather than what I thought they were.

Contrary to popular belief, most people ARE who they appear to be- AS LONG AS you do not expect too much from them.

They will usually show you who they are. As much as you need to know.

But it takes time.

You just need to give people time.

These things take TIME...

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