Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pregnant Paws...

And another thing. 

You won't hear men saying this very often, because it can be misinterpreted in so many ways by women that it's often better to keep your mouth shut- but the fact is...

I, and most of my friends, think pregnant women are very sexy indeed. 

She doesn't have to be my woman- pregnant with MY baby to be sexy. 

This isn't a power trip. 

Nothing to do with ownership, or any of that macho shit.

Man, I even have a book full of pregnant ladies, & it is the sexiest thing I have EVER seen.

This is it; " Pregnant Goddesshood: A Celebration of Life."

The book is a thing of beauty, as are the women contained therein.

So...if you are pregnant and feeling 'ugly' or 'fat'...

then you are also out of your mind. 

Revel in your beauty; the earth mother only has this very special glow for...nine?  nine months.

So make the most of it.