Friday, September 27, 2013


Powered today by the realisation that I am nowhere near as important or significant as I thought I was...

and that most of what I have done to date was done in an attempt to hammer my indispensability down the world's throat. 

'Believe you are special'?  'Believe you are a miracle?'

'Believe you are extraordinary?' 

No...I am no more extraordinary than that rock, or that puddle. 

& to imagine I am will not make leaving here any easier.

Just because I jump up and down, gibber & screech like a frisky marmoset does not automatically make me more important. 

When I die...

it will be no more of a loss than the leaf that falls from the tree. 

You know it's true.

This is not sad or morose...on the contrary. 

It is liberating.  

I am but a falling leaf, making my way to the ground. 

The miracle is...some of you noticed me as I fell. 

THAT is extraordinary.

Even more extraordinary...

that this selfish vessel saw you.

& not only that...he saw the TRUTH of his existence.

Namaste, as they say... 

Until it is time to Namago.