Monday, April 23, 2012

Love in a Shitstorm from Hell...

I am thinking of a friend of the family at the moment.

She is struggling with her husband.

After a lifetime of physical illness...his mental health has finally taken a turn for the worse. 

Apparently the guy is unbearable to live with.  Making unreasonable demands, losing his temper and even WORSE...playing the emotional blackmail card, to add to the carnival of misery.

She is a brave soul, standing by him as his mind deteriorates.

I guess this is the true definition of LOVE.

I have no idea about love; I imagine it to be hearts and flowies and walks in the park.

'The heart will live on', and all that.


In's about loving everything.

All of it.

Even the shitty mouth, shitty attitude, shitty underpants & shitty existence.

Deferring ones own life to be with an animal.  A beast.

Resisting the urge to do a runner from abject misery.

Sacrificing the hope of an easy life because of something you once saw in that person...

Something deep inside...

Long gone.

Just a memory.

I have no idea about love.

So many of us don't.   

In's about the good times and the bad.

In SICKNESS and in health. 

If you can't do this...

If you can't be with yr man when he loses his tumour ridden balls, or worse still...his mind...

If you can't stick with your woman when they remove her cancer-ridden breasts, or her uterus...

If you can't hang in there EVEN in a shitstorm from hell...

Don't even bother. 

Because it AINT LOVE AT ALL.  



Thank You...

Yesterday I was feeling really shitty.

Seasonal adjustment disorder or a hormonal coup d'etat...who knows.

But you guys made me feel so much better, & today i'm back on track.

If you ever make the mistake of forgetting how much you mean to me...don't worry; I'll remind you at regular intervals.  

Thank you, my dear friends.