Wednesday, August 7, 2013



I'm not so sure you really want me as a friend.  

I'm a bit of A PIG.  

I am a person who- for whatever reason- is possessed with an uncontrollable, irrepressible sense of righteous indignation.

& I ACT swiftly and decisively when I see evidence of it. 

I can't say I always did...but I do now. 

I'm not so sure if this is some kind of mental issue, a way of channeling my own sense of self loathing or taking my own perceived failures out on others...

Or if it's just the way I am built.  

But it seems to be who I am. 

& I cannot- nor do I want to- change it.  

I just made a comment on a person's post- a person proudly proclaiming she had too much pulled pork in the fridge and was giving it away.  

I was shocked. 

I told her it broke my heart.  

Fairly inoffensive.  

Hardly an insult to her- merely voicing my own thoughts in response to her post. 

She gave me a lecture about me not judging her choices...& after a little more to'ing and fro'ing...

 I told her...

"I hope you choke on it."  

That's right.  
  & I meant it. 

This is who you are dealing with.  

I only say this to you, because I am making a lot of wonderful new friends, and many of you are being so kind as to compliment me for the courage of my convictions.   

But I don't really think you know who I am.

I told a friend I hoped she choked on her dead animal flesh.

Hardly polite.  

But then...have you seen an abattoir?

I won't go into all that; I have posted about it before.  

But I would say to you- before you go getting any ideas about what a swell guy I am...

You should know I don't suffer injustice.  
  Or cruelty of any kind.

I am sensitive.  

Always was.

& I am SUPER sensitive to any kind of hurt or harm against the innocent and the defenceless.   

Perhaps it is the side effects of being brought up in an abusive household, or molested by priests. 

Maybe it's nothing to with that.  

Maybe it's just my nature.

But I hate any kind of cruelty or suffering. 

& these people who parade the fact that they condone the torture and murder of animals proudly, as if it is a GOOD thing?

I don't get it.  

Would they torture, murder and eat their children?

& this woman was a Christian women.  

'thou shalt not kill', doesn't it say?  


Bless the beasts and the children indeed. 

I also hate hypocrites.  

& now she's gone.  

I don't know whether to be proud of my behaviour, or crestfallen. 

Sorry to lose her. 

I would like to be a more tolerant man...

But with regard to certain issues?  I feel decidedly intolerant.

When it comes to the murder and torture of animals...

I have zero tolerance.

Meat IS torture and murder, & there is no getting around it. 

I don't care how you dress it up, or present it on the plate.  

You eat meat?
  I don't want to hear about it.  

Any more than I want to hear you are a child murderer.   

Because to me?  

They are the same thing.  

Is this what they mean when they say 'strength of your convictions?  

This is who you are dealing with.  

I'm not so sure you want me as a friend.  

And if you eat meat?

I'm not so sure anymore I want YOU as a friend.  

& I hope you choke on it.
Yes...I'm a PIG. 

& proud of it.