Monday, September 2, 2013

Land of Make Believe...

Nobody owes anybody a goddamned thing.  

I don't care WHAT you say...unless you have signed an iron clad contract...

No one owes you squat. 

You only think they do. 

We have been brought up to expect people to follow through on what they say. 

To build on what they told you...or led you to believe. 


People say, promise, write, utter, vow and declare all kinds of fairly authentic sounding shit...

But they usually don't follow through. 

They either forget...or simply don't give a rats. 

That's their business. 

I have had this happen many times. 

In happens most of the time.  

& I used to get angry about it.  

If I didn't have the balls to take them to task over it...I would lose valuable sleep and peace of mind cursing the bastards for their broken promises. 


Because they promised?

Because they said so????


People will say ANYTHING as & when the mood takes them.  

'I Love You' is so easy to say when your dick gets hard. 

But nothing stays hard forever. becomes limp and flaccid. 

Next thing you know...they don't remember or give a good goddamn what they promised you...

and are off saying something new to someone new.

Why get upset about it?

Especially given that I have been guilty of it myself?

I am learning to live a lifetime in the pleasant dreams people weave.

It's how I protect myself.  

I can spread a lot of bread with honey words.  

I can make the nice things people say, and the promises they make...

Last forever.  

I don't care if they do a 180 about face...

In fact...I expect them to.

These days I can build a kingdom inside a beautiful proposition. 

My imagination is such that I can create a breathtakingly convincing happily ever after in a world that doesn't exist with someone I have never met. 

My brain can do anything.  

It doesn't care that these worlds I fashion are not real. 

As far as she is concerned?

They are.  

No Cigar...

"Close but no cigar" doesn't bother a man who can't stand cigars.  

The Hook.

Life reminds me a little of the time I got a fish hook stuck in my finger as a kid.  

For many of's a pretty painful affair; but you can't pull out of it without causing even MORE pain and suffering. 

So you just have to keep on pushing matter how much it may hurt you...

Until you break through.