Tuesday, April 17, 2012



There is no secret to life.

Life simply is...& you live it. Or you don't.

The REAL mystery is death.

What happenes after death?

OK. Here goes.


And in a universe we are understanding to be one of INFINITE POSSIBILITY...

Whatever reality you want again- whether it is this one you are living (BOONG!! PASS!!) or a variation on a theme- or a number of themes...

A completely new life or set of lives...

OR even SOMEONE ELSE'S life...

Whatever the hell reality you want for yourself of all the possible choices from the menu of an inexhaustible smorgasord ...

It simply HAS TO COME UP.

HAS TO!!! No matter WHAT it is!

However often you want it!!

No matter HOW MANY times you play it out!

Law of averages!

Of all the limitness, unnumerable possibilities...

Whatever you want HAS TO roll up AGAIN!

Who gives a rat's arse HOW LONG it takes if you're Ni-Ni'S??

So relax, and stop worrying about death.

Because there is NOTHING to worry about.

Hope this clears things up for you.