Tuesday, February 26, 2013



Tell me...

Do you open your door & let unpleasant people into your home? 

I don't. 

Are negative thoughts any different?? 

& our heads are more precious than our houses.

So why do it? 

Every Time I Fuck Something Up...

I fucked up again. 

It was just a little thing...said the wrong thing, misjudged my humour...

And there was de-friending and blocking...etc...

Over, right?



Because it burned.   

Why did it burn?

Well...I don't like to hurt people; and if I think I might have done that...

It hurts me. 

But it's more than that. 

When I have fucked something up...it REALLY BURNS.  I literally get a burning sensation around my forehead, neck, and down my back. 

Why is that?

Well, every time I fucked up as a kid...I was punished for it by my Dad. 

Nowadays...I fuck up, and I feel like I'm in the shit again. 

This is NOT a prompt to feel sorry for myself. 

Dad is dead...I'm an adult...& I can move on now.


But it is one thing to KNOW this, and another to do it. 

Indeed- we can know something logically...

But to know it with every fibre of our being, and to then act upon it...

That's a different kettle of fish. 

We need to dive inside the pain.

And question it- CHALLENGE IT. 

It is well worth looking at what causes certain sensations. 

Sensations that don't help us. 

So I take a look at my emotions, and the triggers. 

So I said the wrong thing. 

So what??

Did I kill anybody??


Did I maim anybody?


Did I damage any property?  Poison any minds?  Throw the planet off it's axis??


Will the people I offended even REMEMBER this incident next week?

Probably not. 

So why should I??

Why should I BURN for a minor social faux pas?

Because I am conditioned to burn. 

As a child...I was taught to burn by my Father when I did something wrong.

Why?  I don't know. 

For my benefit...or his??

Likely his. 

Is it serving me any longer?


Will burning for these infractions help anybody else, or save the planet?


Does anyone care if I burn, or want me to burn?


So why hang onto it?



There are good habits, and bad habits. 

I have given up bad habits before- even tenacious ones like SMOKING.

So...why not give this one up?

I cannot think of any reasons to keep allowing myself to burn when I fuck something up.

We all fuck things up. 

All of us; all the time.

We are human beings...delivered down some random chute...

Dumped in the middle of god knows what...

With precious little sensible data...

Very little sense of direction...

All of us heading for certain DEATH!!


Why should we burn for it?

We shouldn't. 

So fuck up.

Until you get it right.

Try not to hurt anybody. 

And try to be happy. 

Don't burn yourself up- that's firewood's job.

We're not firewood. 

Our job is to fuck up.

Firewood doesn't have that rare priveligde.

We do.

So...Fuck Up and Die??

No.  NEVER. 

I say...

Fuck up...