Monday, November 11, 2013


Thank you for taking an interest, and I apologise that there have been none of my usual adventures, because I really must finish this book.  It's piss or get off the pot time; & if it's in there, by God...

it's coming out- even if I have to tie rope around it's forequarters and drag it out oldshcool. 

So, I am sadly confined to barracks.  

This demands a degree of introspection, which has seen a rise in some of the other personal blogging. 

Steinbeck used to keep a diary of his's the same type of thing.  It's done with a view to keeping things on track. 

You don't want people like me banging on endlessly but getting nowhere.  Ideally, there should be some sense of forward motion. 

I hope that is the case;

I hope this is not more wallowing disguised as healing work. 

Let me know if you sense it is the latter. 

I'd like to see some inroads.  I'd like to see some healthy contributions to the discussion. 

I'd like to see some real change. 


The Burning Ember People...

Sometimes my heart seems to smoulder like a burning ember. 

It sends a dull ache to my shoulders, and down my arms.  I keep thinking it's a heart problem, but it's not. 

I remember it from childhood. 

It's the absence of warmth and affection. 

If you have children...please hold them as often and as tightly as you can.  Make them feel loved, and safe. 

We don't need a world full of burning ember people...

Paradoxically enough, the only thing worse than feeling this is the shame of talking about it. 

I can still hear Dad's voice telling me I'm a 'weak girl'.  I was never allowed to cuddle my parents.  I had to shake hands. 

These scars run deep...& the reason I review them in such detail is because,'s not exactly a hug...

but it's the next best thing.

Left alone in the wilderness, which is where the burning ember usually find themselves, they catch fire and perish. 

We meed a movement...a concerted effort to bring the burning ember people home again...

That would be my dream.  

Bell Bottom

Life is hard enough; if you can't resist the urge to bugger up someone else's existence, then for heaven's sake leave them alone. 

(this yen is so ingrained in so many people- especially men- it could take generations to shift. 

I'm not sure we have the kind of time it would take to fix it.) 

It's called selfishness; & it comes so naturally to so many of us...

this post won't even ring a bell.