Monday, August 5, 2013

You want a 'Secret'??? I'll give you a secret...

There are some pretty snide, brutal people out there, I'm afraid.

No getting around this fact. 

You likely already figured this out for yourself.

These bastards will try to change you.

Do their level best to make you feel you are unworthy.

They chip away at you...until you question everything you know in your heart to be true.

And it leaves you with...


Standing on thin ice. 

No longer sure what to hold onto, or to believe in. 

With no solid foundation to build anything on.

Any kind of life...any kind of future.

These people challenge you with such enthusiasm and fervour...

Because they don't want you to be you...

Do you know why they do it?

Why they take time out of their busy day to focus on you????

To put shit on you...try to change YOU...?

I mean...let's face it; you know how hard it is to get anybody to do anything, right?

DMV, yeah??
People don't do SHIT unless there is a VERY good reason. 

Why else would they focus so much attention on you?


Hate is fleeting. 

Once it is done with one is hungry for another. 

Hate moves on from place to place, looking for fresh meat.

It's not hate. 

These swine keep at you...

Because you make them nervous.

You have something very special, very unique...

& they know it. 

& they want to cut you down to size. 

Until you are no longer able to be differentiated from the rank and file.

YOU stand out. 

& that won't do. 

This makes them very ANGRY.



Your 'you' is so much better than theirs...& they know it. 

And it scares them to their very core.

You are a threat to them. 

The energy they spent gouging away at you...

That should tell you something right there.

you have a valuable commodity someone wants.

& if they can't have what YOU have...

Then they will try to capsize it.

Like a jealous ex-husband...who cuts his wife down in a fit of jealous rage. 

"If I can't have her...NO ONE ELSE WILL!"

If they can't BE you...

You can be pretty sure they will do everything in their power to bring you down.

So no one else can benefit from your gifts. 

& one of their best weapons?

Your OWN self doubt. 

Sometimes...for a variety of reasons...

we feel such loathing and hatred for ourselves. 

The venom of others sounds so good to us,

They make such a convincing case of it. 

We are tempted to join such a club, that would have us as a member.

But we have to be strong- against them...

The negative voices in our own heads...

& the people responsible for putting the voices there. 

It's about believing in yourself;  & dumping that negative self talk and self image.

I know it's not easy. 

I been wrestling with it so far 48 years. 

If it were easy...

I would be writing about something else.

This is what I am the most passionate about...

because it is the most present for me. 

The voices?

ALL the negative voices?

Fuck them. 

Don't give the bastards the satisfaction...

Believe in yourself. 

Be yourself.

LOVE yourself, your skills and your abilities NO MATTER WHAT.

& FUCK these haters. 

Sorry- but you MUST be firm. 


A friend of mine used to say 'fuck 'em and let 'em go'.

I would agree with that. 

They have no bidness messing in your bidness...

& I suggest you have no truck with them.

No matter how tempted you might feel to jump onto their bandwagon of hate against you.

Be yourself...


And you will prevail. 

Nothing else will suffice. 


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