Monday, August 5, 2013

Heart is Where The Home Is...

I get asked quite a lot on my travels...
"Do you get homesick?'
It must be close to people's hearts, this homesickness thing.
Or perhaps I am close to people's hearts. 
It warms mine to think people would be that concerned about my well being.
In reply? I tell them 'no'...but I don't really go into the full story. 

I will now. 
There is no such thing as homesickness when your actual home was a nightmare.
My memory of the horror that was my 'home' still gives me nightmares. 
I woke up with one last night. 
I suppose I always will; the legacy of domestic violence on a small vulnerable, impressionable child seems to last forever.
I can get through the day OK...
But nights...?
Some nights are forever. 

My life now is mostly good. 
I don't get homesick...because I'm not sure what it even is. 
I don't even know what 'home' is. 

Yesterday, I was having a can of Fosters and looking at some of the old beer commercials from when I was a kid. 
I get homesick doing that, occasionally. 

A sick feeling...a yearning for...
Something that was.
Or maybe something that might have been. 

I can sometimes imagine what it would have been like, watching these very same commercials...
and TV shows...
& listening to the same music...

Through the eyes of a child NOT abused by his father.

I get a little...nostalgic for that. 
Whatever that is.
But I try not to dwell on it too long; what might have been. 
I figure it's OK to get a little wistful, every once in a while...
But really?

My life right now is as good as it has ever been.
In fact it seems pretty perfect. 
I'm not sure what I could possibly change to make it better. 
Do more to help others, I guess; but that is up to me. a person who doesn't really know what 'home' is...
to a person who's present is so beautiful... 
If I had to give you some idea of what home might mean to me??
It's not a place as actual physical place...

Let me put it this way. 
When I was a little boy, my dad would get me ready for school by pulling a comb viciously through my knotted sleepy time bed head. 

I would plead with him to stop, by saying something like
'my parting doesn't go there!!'
He would reply, growling,

That always stuck with me. 

the rest of my life. 
I guess it always will. 

In order to live with the terrible memory of my father...I like to pull off little variations of some of the things he said. 

I would change this one slightly, to;
"Your heart is where you put it."
For when I think about heart is my home. 
& I carry my home around with me like a trailer.
So really...wherever I happen to stop, and hitch my heart trailer?
That's my home.  
& it's the people I find there.
The kind souls who make me feel at home.
Unless I have a heart attack...or customs seizes my heart at the border...

I'll never be homesick again. 
No matter where in the world I am...
My heart is my home.

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