Wednesday, February 6, 2013


And speaking of divine feminine energy & 'ample' breast...let's deal with another 'home truth'. 

Deep down...most guys love a 'fuller figured woman'. (I'm one of them.) 

But most men are either conditioned over the years by the media to a particular type they will likely NEVER find (even if they really wanted it), or they are still slaves to this notion that having a big girl is somehow...questionable. give me a hot coochie momma over a walking skeleton any day.

These antiquated notions (& other ones like 'it is right to hit women', 'war is a good thing' & 'Hollywood should keep re-making old TV shows') should be drowned like plague rats.

It's about knowing your own truth, and owning it. 

I denied most of my own natural feelings/inclinations in order to fit in with what was 'expected' by my peers.

I remember even as a kid, that playground crap about 'fat chicks'...

I loved ALL types of women. 

As a don't have bigotry. You pick that up along the way.

Hence, I was gradually socialised into an aversion for certain 'types'; fat, buck toothed, freckled, flat chested, even RED HEADS!  Are you kidding me????

And according to my observations- this bullshit hasn't gone anywhere. 

Here's to all the women (& men) who have children, and especially those who have young boys.

Well done you for helping to encourage a strong young male mind; he will need it for bilge like this.

Of course a woman's mind, personality etc are paramount...but if we MUST focus on physical beauty (& of course we must!) then why not face facts? Big sexy women are here, and they are here to stay. 

In Australia, there is a campaign at the moment encouraging the ampler women to model-  & an emerging market to accomodate them. I think this is wonderful. & it is working. This way...if we cannot encourage young men to think for themselves...then at LEAST we can affirm the natural inclinations and tastes of the weak minded with pop culture. Hooray, I say...

Big sexy women are here, and they are here to stay. 

I am thinking of a healthy boy with a very healthy mother at the moment.

She is kind, caring, attentive to his needs, requirements and his development, and at the same time wary of her own influence on the boy.

She questions the way she is bringing him up every single day.

What more can you ask, really?   I think she is doing JUST FINE.

I wish I had that kind of upbringing; I had to re-learn all the healthy ways of thinking and behaving.

Thank you to all the 'mothers' who are helping me to be a better man.  

I am thinking of you today...

With love. 

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