Wednesday, October 9, 2013

An Apple A Day...

I travel to see this.



A homeless blind guy and his dog. 

Don't ask me what the hell this has to do with anything. 

I could think forever...

and still not come up with a good enough answer. 

I just like it. 

My eye...

my camera is always drawn to this kind of thing. 
The beauty and the madness of living on the street...

Exemplified by...

Some guy stopped and gave the dog an apple.

 At first I thought it must have been a rubber ball...

But it was an apple. 

The dog didn't know what to make of it... 

But you know what?

It seemed to make them both happy. 




I don't think I have a clever ending for this. 

All I can say...

All I wanted to say is...

I came...

& I saw...what I wanted to see.

I wanted to see this. 


A homeless blind guy...his dog...

And their apple. 

An apple of this type, each day...

Will keep MY doctor away.












(pour CC...)

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