Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Truth About Bullshit & Bullshittery...

Just a short note to let you know...

when you bullshit me? 

You are talking to a bullshit master. 

I'm not proud of it- But it's the world I was raised into. 

Now I have chosen to walk the straight and narrow- the Razor's Edge of truth and redemption-

I can hear your bullshit loud and clear. 

Sometimes I am even aware of it before you are. 

Maybe you haven't woken up to your crap yet, like I have. 

Not my business.  That's YOUR journey. 

BUT...before you go thinking you have some kind of power over me- I'll get you to think again. 

Don't you see...YOU and YOUR bullshit are my Karmic comeback? 

Whether you were born and fell into a big cow pie of bullshit,

or whether you took some kind of classes,

or got a degree in it...

whether it was forced down your throat or you took to it like a duck to crack...doesn't matter. 

You bullshit others...

you bullshit yourself...

you wake up? 

You will have to pay. 

That's the deal.  And I know it. 

I had my nose rubbed in it, and yes, it's a lonely, dirty road.

The thing and your bullshit are MY payback. 

& I accept that- which is why I am not bitching and complaining about you. 

I'm just letting you know I know the way it is. 

So if you think you are punishing me somehow...

you are not. 

I had this coming. 

& if you wake up to your bullshit? 

Then it will be your turn. 

I hope you have the grace to see the karmic backlash as I do.

Because the truth will ALWAYS set you free...


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