Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Open Soul Surgery...

Thank you for taking an interest in my work. 

This is in 'the book'...but I think it's worth mentioning here. 

One fundamental realisation for me- & the foundation of my work- is that we who have been traumatised in childhood...

have basically been 'torn apart'. 

Our soul is literally prised open like a chest cavity during heart surgery. 

In that cavity, a poisonous adult can liberally apply huge doses of bullshit. 

This cavity gradually closes up, and as the child heals over time...or TRYS to heal...

the bullshit is trapped in there. 

It is also re-affirmed at regular intervals by the poisonous adult;

and further, outside the home, we tend to respond to, and are drawn to the more deleterious, harmful influences in most aspects of life. 

Further- the infrastructure of bullshit within which we are forced to live- espousing crap like 'the government wants the best for us, cops and war and laws are all good things'-

all seems convincing enough. 

Because we have been prepared for dubious bullshit designed to keep us all enslaved. 

But at SOME POINT...a little voice begins to whisper to us. 

'this isn't right'. 

'this is bullshit, and it isn't working'. 

But of course, we ignore it. 

Over time, we begin to notice we are damaging our relationships,  having difficulty with the work we have chosen, the social constructs and the way we have set up our lives. 

We notice we are hurting people (& ourselves) with...not just the programming...but the CONFLICT that we have to deal with as a result of the internal war...

the war between who we truly are, and who we have been told to be. 

We take this crap out on those who love us. 

we hurt them. 

& pretty soon...we are alone. 


and it hurts. 

& it happens time and time again.

and every subsequent attempt to NOT be alone...

we sabotage. 

And to kill the pain of that terrible void, this desolate way of life...that is at complete odds with who we are, and what we know ourselves to be,,,

We slowly begin to destroy ourselves.

At some point...you know what? 

We have to go back in there. 

We have to open up that cavity again, and scrape out all that crap. 

Then we have to put some new, better stuff in there. 

And a lot of that has to do with re-connecting with our true self- our authentic soul  who we were as a child. 

Because there was NOTHING wrong with who we were...

that was right all along. 

(And of course it takes time to trust who we are, because we have been conditioned to not only mistrust, but simply not like who we are.  & when we don't like who we are, we won't like anyone else. Or anything else.)

We have to be open to a new way of thinking, that reconnects us with who we truly are.

Who we truly want to be.

A compassionate, loving, productive member of society.


I'm sorry to say that...we want it yesterday...but this is a long, difficult, strenuous process that requires self discipline, motivation and persistence. 

And mistakes WILL be made.  There is NO such thing as a magical transformation. 

If you are lucky, you will get little realisations...

but that's about it. 

And over time you begin to heal, to establish new patterns of behaviour, with loving, healthy, sustainable relationships. 

THIS is basically what my book is about. 
It is almost finished...

but it feels like I am only just beginning.

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