Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Dust Settled...

I don't pay a great deal of heed to statistics when it comes to my blog, mainly because if I have one or two readers, I'm a happy guy. 

I don't force the thing down people's throats, I don't use a blog manager to promote the work, and I have had a readership of maybe 20-30 for a couple of years. 

Today...I looked at the stats and the readership has jumped to 120. 

I assumed it was a mistake, but the readers have doubled and even tripled in some cases. 

I have been working so hard on my writing...finishing my book, trying everything I can think of to outsmart the drill instructor and father figure in my head who wants me to I can put a few things together without it being capsized by my own criticism...

& today?  I'm going to allow myself to be a little grateful. 

& to thank...whomsoever...for believing either in me- or my work.

Or maybe both. 

Thank you.  You keep me alive. 

Maybe...I'll die another day instead. 

That many people give a damn about my work?  That's enough to put my father in his place. 

Given that he's dead and burned? 

That's dust in the wind, my friend. 


  1. You are a smart and well spoken (written?) man. Of course I will read your blog. :)

  2. I love your work as well. My feminist politics are somewhat hampered by the habits and patterns of my gender- but I look to you as a role model. 'What would Kitty think' is my version of 'What would Christ do.'
