Saturday, October 5, 2013

Detour De faux France...

As you know...I like a series of pictures of almost the same thing.

I didn't invent the idea...Warhol popularised it...but I want to use a similar pastiche to pay tribute to St Catherine street. 

It doesn't look like much here...I'm not sure I will EVER do the place or the city justice with my lil' ol' camera and modest abilities...but I stood in this spot for hours, listening to the sounds, basking in the joy, looking at the people. 

And if Montreal is about's primarily about the people. 

(although the architecture is pretty spot-on as well!  I did sit in the Cathedral of Marie-Reine-du-Monde for a wee while- until the solemnity got too much for me. 

I'm not a big fan of Jesus, but he did build some nice amphitheaters for people to grovel in.) 


This is a magical spot...right here. 

Rue de St Cathereine.  Near Guy st.



I have hundreds of shots- if anything, too many- trying to capture the feel of the place. 

And you know what? 

I'm not really certain I can. 

The only thing that made any sense was to post a few pics of my wonderment.  Think 'Midnight Cowboy' crossed with 'Smoke' in Montreal, and you have an idea what I was trying to do. 

Yep...I admit...

I was overcome with the beauty of the location. 

There were almost tears. 

These are tough times for our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world...but right here and right now? 

The carnival that is Montreal...

this could well be just about the most beautiful time I have ever had.

Montreal is a great place. 

I feel at home here. 

I mean...

I still don't feel like I belong...any more than anywhere else...

but it's seems like a wonderful place to not belong.

& that's really all the unbelonging want.

This was a helluva' detour on my trip through Canada.

& frankly?

I'm not sure I ever want to leave...




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