Thursday, October 3, 2013


'The cops were so brave, putting their lives on the line...' 

Just to let you know...that's a cop's job.

They know this going into it.

In fact...your last week in the academy I went through in Australia is called 'Death Week'. 

It is a week dedicated to the celebration of horrendous ways to die,

where you are shown films full of murder,


rape and mayhem...

given lectures by cops who have been shot and mutilated...

it's basically snuff week.

All designed to make you realise it's not a sewing circle. 

Being a cop is about being cannon fodder- which is whey so many of them are dumb as hell.

& why so many of them start to bitch about how the 'job is fucked', and eventually become bitter...

& dirty. 



A cop who can think is a liability to the establishment.

A cop who can think will realise he might actually die.

For the biggest nothing in the world.

For guarding the gates, for the NWO.

Which is why most don't think about it until they are injured.

& in the meantime...

they eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow...

The fact is...cops get fat cash and benefits for doing it. 

Free food, free booze, free sex...

it's an addictive personality's dream. 

I was one for over ten years, and it's a lot of boredom in uniform punctuated by some very tense moments. 

Often tense moments with other cops. 

After a while...even the lurks and perks become dull. 

Don't shed a tear for cops; don't get all choked up over them.

Most of them would not piss on you if you were on fire.

& unlike soldiers called into service- no one asks a cop to be a cop. 

They do it because of mainly selfish reasons;

everything from a latent death wish, addiction to power trip, to 'can't think of anything else.' 

If a cop wanted to help the community...

he would pick another job beside being a hired hand for the security arm of the corporations.

& if you don't know this??

You have already been assimilated...

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