Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Raising in the Son.

My Father (rest his soul) was always at me when I was a little kid about walking around on my 'tippie-toes'. 

Like it was something shameful, or 'girly'. 

The guy went mental over it!  


(it 'aint rocket science; the guy had issues with himself, and it alleviated the pressure somehow to take it out on us.)

The HELL with that, I say! 

I'm GLAD I walked about on tippie toes!! I reckon that's why I have nice strong legs; especially the calf muscles! 

He also had some issue with munching ice, mushing up my ice cream, not standing up straight...

Not touching my dick in public...

Man, this guy was a rule crazy nut bar!!

OK...here's my point;

Just say 'NO' to childhood conditioning!

& let your kids do their thing!

I'm not saying give them a fifth of sour-mash and the keys to the sedan so they can cruise Martin Luther Bvd looking for the shit..I'm just saying...

Let them be who they NEED to be!

Who they KNOW they are!!

'Don't answer back'?? 

Pigs ring.

Why not???

Are you really right all the time?


We don't know a helluva lot more than they do about the world!  and what we do know?

That has sent us down a river of shit that THE KIDS are going to have to clean up after us!

If your song is 'I believe the children are our future'...then put your money where your trap is and cut 'em some slack!

Arguing back?

The sprogs may have a point!!

Let them KNOW you might be wrong!

Why not?

Are you afraid it's gonna' come back and bite you on the arse later on down the track?

Well then...that's about YOU- not THEM.

You care about them?  Admit your human frailty. 

They will thank you for it anon- and you will take pride in their staunch unwillingness to swallow any old bullshit that comes down the pike. 

Like we have. 

UNLESS you had children to prove some kind of point, or work out your own frustrations with your bad choices and shitty moves.

In which case...you shouldn't even have kids.

Give 'em a break! 

Trust their intuition!

Teach THEM to trust their intuition!!

"Do what I say, not what I do?"


"Don't this, don't that..."

What are you trying to do...raise Stormtroopers?

Fuck that for a joke!

We don't NEED no more stinking zombies!!!!

And adults?

You want to be healthy grown ups?

Be more like a child!

You remember how it went; it's wasn't all THAT long ago!! (man...life 'aint ever that long for anybody!)

If you want to dance the merengue, run with scissors, pick your nose, leave your elbows on the table or make farts in church...

Then you DO IT!!

No one has any right to tell you otherwise. 

You can do anything you want to do.

Just promise me you will be HAPPY.

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