Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Kind supportive words are nice...but rare.  

So don't get addicted to them...or you will yearn for nothing else.  

& you will DIE yearning.  

Look at positive feedback as an occasional treat.  

You can't live on ice cream...even though you may want to.

Even if it WERE always there.

Everyone knows a child should not have EVERYTHING they want.

& we are all basically children.

Thoughtful people, genuine, encouraging sentiments pop up every once in a while.  

But you can always count on nastiness.  

Not sure why that is;  it just is. 



But I am who I am, and this is my truth as I see it.  

If you want someone else's truth...

Off you go. 

I'm sorry...but I'm not one for the 'laws of attraction'.  

'The Secret' my spotty arse.  

I like the TRUTH.

Not your truth, his truth, her truth...but MINE.

It has taken a lot of time and effort to come into it.

I think it...

I say it.  

& what I said today?  

Still holds good tomorrow. 

I'm not saying I'm immovable...but at my age?

I have a pretty good sense of who I am, what I have observed, and what I believe based on those observations.  

'Nice' people die of cancer.  

Yes they do.  

If you have proof to the contrary?  Of course I will hear you out. 

But in my view?
Good people DON'T always prosper.

& pricks live forever.

'Positive Thinking'??

I'm not sure positive thinking is sustainable.  

What about the negative?

I think the NEGATIVE things are POSITIVE!

'Good' and 'bad' are ALL part of the sweet deal of life!

So where do I fit, Anthony 'boofhead' Robbins????

I'll tell you where I fit.  

I can make a positive out of a negative.  

This renders both words meaningless.

So often...in the past...

I would take the negativity of others personally. 

Positively wounded by it.  

I'm older now.  

& a LOT tougher.  

I thrive on bad karma.  

I walk under ladders, and step on the cracks.  

I laugh in the face of death, and bare my bum toward God. 

& the fear, loathing and hatred of my enemies?

Energy food to me.  

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