Monday, August 12, 2013

What If One Comes Calling...

Every once in a while...

a miracle happens.  

(not often, because if they happened often- they wouldn't be called 'miracles'.  

they'd be called 'reg'lar shit'.)

But every so often...they happen.

& when they do...your life will NEVER be the same again.  

(in a good way!)

& neither will you.   

All I can suggest, is that you be fit and well, ready and willing to receive anything and everything these wondrous miracles have to offer you when they arrive. 

Because if one comes calling...

& you are drunk, trashed, angry, or bitter...

Too proud, too hard, too arrogant or too careless...

It will just pass you by. 

If you were a miracle...would you hang around and wait for a person like that???

And you ARE a miracle.

So...would you?

1 comment:

  1. thank you for sharing, for a little while
