Tuesday, July 9, 2013

We Can Be Heroes...

In view of how upsetting it is for so many people that I ask questions, challenge the mob, try to see things from all points of view and strive never to make assumptions about anybody without inquiring further- I shall delete the previous post.

One never knows what is going on in another person's life to make them so cruel & thoughtless.  

Perhaps someone has been cruel and thoughtless to THEM.

I would simply ask you to try to think twice- then think again. 

& not get offended if I do it. 

Because you don't know what in my life has led me to think it is so important to TRY to ask questions, exercise a little compassion, and see things from all sides.  

Don't just follow the popular view because it is viral.  Because one day...

the mob might be after YOU. 

I was young and ignorant once- believe it or not. 

And it need not have been because I was abused- I may have simply been born young and stupid. 

I like to think I got better, with time and experience. 

I certainly try; & any grace I might have is borne of the compassion YOU- my friends- have shown ME...even when it was unpopular to do so. 

You know who you are- & YOU taught me how to be kind and patient.

Or at least, try to. 

Just bear in mind for me- if you are quick to judge every young stupid person who did/said/posted something ignorant- then you judge me. 


The quality of mercy is not strained; and EVERONE deserves a fair trial.

I know it's hard to be patient with the ignorant...(& if I have any heroes in this life- one of them has to be my friend Ken Moller, who is patient, understanding and forgiving to a fault...)

& I KNOW he is a role model to me in this.

Which is why I feel it is so important.

It's EASY to like the likeable.

NOT so easy to show compassion for the ignorant, the flawed, the misguided...

Even the cruel. 

I'm certainly no Dalai Lama.  

But I just KNOW I will be a better man for trying.

I know it.

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