Monday, July 1, 2013

Organic Chip on my Shoulder...

I don't know if you can see it- but in my left hand vest pocket, there is a bag of Organic Corn Chips.

I don't know what brand they are, but I bought them at 'TJ Maxx', a great shop that stocks tasty, healthy snacks like these.  This shop is unique to America.

I'm proud to give TJ a plug.

However...I had to fight to bring those chips into Summerfest. 

The food options are limited in these kinds of places; 'organic', 'free-range', 'GMO-free' are not words you will often read on the signs advertising the food tents.

So...I bring along something of my own, free of toxins and nasty agents, to snack upon.

I actually almost had my Organic Corn Chips seized at the gates of Summerfest last night. 

I was going to say, can you believe it? 

but...I know you can.

I actually took my jacket off, ready for business.  I was prepared to fight for my right to take my food in, or be ejected.  I simply KNEW I was in the right. 

He looked at me, realised I was serious, and said 'I guess you're taking your chips in'. 

Some things are worth fighting for.

Like our health. 

Especially here in the US- where if I didn't know better- I would think that the 'powers that be' don't care about the health of the nation.

& I know THAT can't possibly be true...


  1. There's no way THAT is true. :)

    Way to stand up for your rights! Wonderful!

  2. Kind words. It's important. Now if we can just get more kids eating the right things...
