Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Bad Case of Hang Nail...

As we approached the entrance of Summerfest, we were greeted by this grisly monstrosity.


Nothing angers me more than religious fuckwits spoiling pleasurable family days with gruesome pictures of fictional characters covered in blood and nailed to bits of wood. 

Children have to look at this ghastly crap.  Fictional tales of men tortured and nailed to crosses? 

Encouraging people to eat human flesh and drink human blood?  By way of WORSHIP? 

Are you KIDDING ME???

Way to terrify the children, you mental midgets!

These people have no shame whatsoever.  It's a disgrace- & they don't even realise it.  I'll bet if I held up a picture of Leatherface or Pinhead or some other fictional Icon of Horror- I'd be arrested.

I was glad to see one voice of reason here standing up for decency by returning a double barrelled American salute to these fun-busting superstitious assholes. 

What kind of freak would expose an innocent child to this kind of gore? 

& then ask them to worship it??

There is only one kind.  The religious hate monger.

& THEY get their backs up because we love sinful movies about Zombies, Cannibals and Vampires?

What kind of screwy fucked up world is this???

Nothing makes me angrier than religious hypocrites, and I don't believe in Hell- another fictional construct for the mentally ill- but if there WERE a Hell...

I would hope there is a spot reserved in the hottest part of the Stygian depths for them.  

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