Monday, June 17, 2013

Some Sound Bites for Nigella.

Re the Nigella Lawson matter. 

First thing's first.

A spokesperson for the restaurant told the Mirror newspaper: “We do not comment on the private matters of customers.”

The incident occurred in a public place. A restaurant.

'Private matter'? 

Don't you mean a clear case of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE?

Violence against women anywhere goes without saying; that is not at issue.

Most of the tweets and comments seem to be about the fact that no one intervened. 

Neither anyone from the staff, nor any member of the public.

I think it is sad none of the staff stepped in.

But a member of the public?

People DO NOT INTERVENE, for the most part.



But self preservation is another reason. 

& THAT is as primal as your potential for violence under the right circumstances.

So it is natural.

I have another good reason for you not intervening.

I have said this before, but I will repeat it.

I can tell you from experience...intervening in ANY matter of ANY type ANYwhere is very likely to get YOU charged by the police. 

I would intervene anyway, whenever I see any kind of injustice- because it is the right thing to do.

But I do so also because I have this Kafkaesque guilt complex impregnated into me by the Catholic Priests, so I assume I will be arrested and imprisoned at any moment. 

So it doesn't bother me. 

I could also plead insanity.  Let's face it- I have the evidence on my side!!

(Plus I love a bloody good rumble!!)

You have to make your own choices. 

If you believe it is the right thing to do- then step in bravely.  You won't be criticised by me. 

But expect no quarter or dispensation from the police. They ROUTINELY advise against the public 
becoming involved in ANYTHING.

'No good deed goes unpunished.'

Be a hero at your own risk. 

But above yourself...

& NOTHING/NO ONE can touch you.

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