Monday, June 17, 2013

Get Fucked.

Oh, that reminds me.

For my new friends- and there are some wonderful new people coming into my life here- I make no bones about using the word 'mother fucker'.

There is nothing wrong with this word.  It is a word much like any other- no better, no worse.  

It is NOT obscene.

What is OBSCENE is bombing other countries for oil.  THAT is obscene.  

But using the word 'mother fucker'?  


'Provided you don't OVERUSE it.

As a normal human being...there are times when I am nice...

& times when I am a little bit 'nasty'.      

To my mind...there are occasions when nothing will 'git r done' between consensual couples quite like a good 'fuck'.

(I'm not going to go into too much detail, any more than I would talk at great length about any of my other bodily functions.)  

But there are times when I 'make love' like a poet...

& times when I 'fuck' like a beast.

It's the duality of man, and nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. 

It's called being HUMAN.

To pretend otherwise is to LIE.  

& I hate lies more than anything. 

Now; 'Mother'?

I am a 'mother fucker'.

Unashamedly so.

I have fucked many mothers...just not my own.

To suggest that a mother- any mother- is somehow no longer capable of the kind of rabid, bestial glorious PASSION that accompanies a good 'fuck'...just because she has given not only absurd, abhorrent, anachronistic fundamentalist BULLSHIT...

it is also a another LIE.

To suggest a man can like a good fuck...

& not a woman...

Is SEXIST, not to mention MISOGYNIST.

Women do not belong in a nunnery once they have given birth.

Yes...I am a proud mother fucker.

There is nothing wrong with being one.

And there is nothing wrong with using the word.

To suggest there is would be like suggesting a mother cannot experience or has no entitlement to passion- in all it's manifestations.

THIS is about as raw as my truth gets;

nothing particularly confronting, if you are an adult with an open mind.

But if there IS anything here that you find offensive- I urge you in the strongest possible terms to hover that cursor over the 'unfriend' button.

It will save us all a lot of pain and suffering further on down the line.    

& to the 'Mothers' here?

Don't be afraid to 'GET FUCKED'!


  1. Hahaha I love this!! And what about us 45 year old grandmas? That makes me a mother to the 2nd power, right? So I guess this means I'm twice as entitled? Hmmm yes. This may be the first time I ever liked math! :)

  2. Makes me so cranky I have to spell this out! There are some VERY sexy grandmothers out there! It's the same nonsense that puts older women out to pasture in Hollywood after they turn 40...potentially their most fruitful years!! I simply cannot get my head around it. Dispatches from an Absurd War Zone...
