Monday, March 4, 2013

An Asbestos Flack Jacket for those Going to Hell...

If the fundamentalist image of God is one who is all seeing and all knowing and can do & create or destroy anything, 'he' can stop ALL the misery in the world.

It is THAT simple.

That 'he' would have some higher knowing or understanding beyond our ken, & is somehow 'testing' us, is nothing more than Vivisection.


That 'he' does not intervene in such terrible suffering would be like a mortal parent allowing a criminal to come into their home and stab their children to death. 

This is abhorrent to even the feeble minded, and all but the deranged.

I want no part of such a cowardly human being, nor such a deranged God. 

If I am sent to Hell for not beliving in such an omnipotent scumbag- then I look forward to rubbing shoulders with other like-minded souls who believe suffering is wrong. 

I will gladly burn for all eternity to uphold the dictum that allowing others to suffer is CRIMINAL.

Althought I may at times fall short...MY religion is always KINDNESS.

'It is not that simple, John' I am told by Theologians. God is simple, and can be understood by even the most moronic and brain damaged amongst our flock; for my God is LOVE. 

And the devil is quite simply...


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