Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Yesterday was not the best of days- but I survived. 

It was a strange bad day- a vague dull pain kind of day...

Rather than a sharp sting.

Like a migraine pain. 

You can tend to blunder about a bit in this fog; I admit...

I was bumping into things, dropping things, clumsy as hell, couldn't walk a straight line without overbalancing...

Just weird. 

& It was a long dark night, ugly as sin, hell harsh midsummer storms all through the night...

wind tearing strips off my soul...

I felt like Macbeth.

But it was soon over.

Dark clouds pass quickly for me, lately.

It's good. 'This too shall pass'.

'Think thoughts of love...' and I'm right as rain.

A tropical shower, naked lusting hope making love with itself, spawning some kind of collective good for the good of all...

Everything right again.

Much better today...& amidst the weirdness, I learned a few important things about myself.

Which means the day was not a TOTAL write off. 

Not at all.  And that's a good thing.  The devil's consolation prize.

I am back to posting a few encouraging things to keep things moving.

It's about valuing myself this week. 

As inept as I am...

& as soft and sentimental as I may seem when I try to post encouraging positive home grown aphorisms...

I will not be walked all over. 

I might like pussy...but I'm NOT a pussy. 

I just need to believe in myself...& believe that what I am doing, the way I am working and living is RIGHT for me. 

So I try to hang in there with encouraging sayings.

Like 'do anything you want to do'.

I'm sorry if some of my stuff sounds a bit robotic and new- agey... 

But it needs to be clear and concise.

In it as simple as that?  Probably not.  But for me, it needs to SOUND as though it is.

Or I'll surrender.

Keep it simple...& concise.   

for ME, as much as anyone else. 


seriously...if all your moving parts are operational...

you have EVERYTHING you need for a healthy productive life.

this bullshit about going to 'specialists' for advice...

prodding about in your affairs...

in most cases, it's bogus.

not a SINGLE person here amongst my friends needs anything more than THEMSELVES. 

Unless you have a tumour in your ass.

You're all very cool people, and I learn a HEAP from you. 

you carry your own pack in life- that's the way it should be. 

REAL LOVE is simply empowering others to live fully by your healthy example. 

You do that for me...maybe without even knowing it.

And THAT's as it should be too...

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