Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Piece of Luck

At first, I thought it was a butterfly.

The little critter that gaily flittered ahead of me through the open door of my van.

Immediately, I felt I was in for some good luck.  (don't ask me why; just some piece of random new age crap I picked up somewhere.  somehow butterflies and ladybirds are lucky.)

However- my heart sunk when I realised- it was just a cabbage moth.


Why was I disappointed?

If a butterfly can be a harbinger of good fortune- then why can't a cabbage moth?

I decided to take a couple of pictures of the moth through the window before I set it free.

As I watched the beautiful creature dance joyfully out the back door of my van and return to it's play in the garden- a brilliant luminescence in the midday summer sunshine...

& as I viewed the resulting images, I realised...

The cabbage moth was just as beautiful as a butterfly.

And probably just as lucky. 

Perhaps being able to see this detail was lucky enough.

What a piece of luck.







1 comment:

  1. Very pretty, and I would say, just as lovely as a butterfly anyday.
