Thursday, July 12, 2012

The wonders of the Internet.

I was looking at my friends list today, and it occurred to me what amazing people I know.

I’m not going to do you all at once- I would find it far too tiring to do you all in one go- but let me just pick DA as an example.

She is fascinating. Intelligent. Artistic. Passionate. Driven.

I hate to reduce her to a stereotype, but as I will never know her well enough to do much more, she is the Sigourney Weaver character in Ghostbusters to me. She is Dana to my Venkmann. (only she would know whether or not- and how often- she transforms into a Demon.)

I would NEVER in real life be able to meet and associate with such a fascinating human being in the real world. I am just not interesting enough myself.

But here…I can be the person I imagine myself to be, with people I want to attract to myself- in just the kind of world I desire.

That’s what the Internet does for me.

What about you??

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